<!DESCRIPTION>This digital clock script attempts to mimic that cool "glow in the dark" look of a LCD watch when it comes to its interface. Displays the time in standard 12-hour format, with a "AM" and "PM" indicator. Note that in non IE4+/NS6+ browsers, a regular form clock is displayed instead.
<!CATEGORY>date and time<!/CATEGORY>
<!-- Step 1: Insert the below style sheet into the HEAD section of your page: -->
font: bold 15px MS Sans Serif;
padding: 3px;
<!-- Step 2: Having done this, add the below script where you wish the clock to appear on your page: -->
<span id="digitalclock" class="styling"></span>
* LCD Clock script- by Javascriptkit.com
* Featured on/available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
* This notice must stay intact for use
var alternate=0
var standardbrowser=!document.all&&!document.getElementById